In this section...


In this section you will find our School Policies. You can click on the download button if you would like more information. 

ALN Policy (Also known as ALN or Special Education Needs SEN)

Here you can find out how we meet the individual needs of all of our learners and what extra help and support we can offer.  The ALNCo, Dan Godfrey, can be contacted on 029 2069 3786.
The purpose of this policy is to outline ways in which Greenhill uses assessment to monitor the pupils’ gains in learning and how it can be used to identify their next steps. As a special school with a unique cohort, assessment needs to be varied and creative.ALN-Policy-25.doc

Capability Policy


Charging and Remissions Policy

We try to keep any charges to the minimum. Very often school visits and offsite activities are provided completely free of charge but this is not always the case. If for any reason you are unable to send in the money please phone and speak to Shane Mock  or Phil Haynes in confidence so that we can help.  If pupils are allowed to bring spending money staff will let you know in advance. 


Child-Friendly Safeguarding Policy


Child Protection Policy
(Also known as Safeguarding)

Ensuring that all our pupils are safe from harm is a vital part of our work. Anyone and everyone in the school community who has a concern should report their concerns to Shane Mock or Phil Haynes. The governor responsible for Child Protection is Cllr Jayne Cowan. We are required to report concerns to Childrens Services. In almost all cases we would notify families first but there are very rare occasions where this cannot happen.


Community Policy


Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy – how we collect information, who we share the information with and how we keep information safe.


Health and Safety Policy







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