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Grant Allocation Expenditure
Greenhill School Grant Allocation Expenditure
All grant expenditure is designed to support specific areas of the school's work, against local, regional and national priorities.
How the delegated grants are spent
At Greenhill School, our plan for using grant allocations from Welsh Government is integrated into our school improvement plan (SIP). Our four overarching priorities (2020 - 2023) are linked to
- The Curriculum for Wales;
- Wellbeing and nurture;
- Ethos and Environment;
- Developing Staff.
Professional Learning GrantOutdoor learning is an essential part of the school's curriculum
Welsh Government has awarded schools in Wales additional financial support, through a Professional Learning Grant (PLG) to enable staff to prepare for the new curriculum for Wales. The grant has enabled us to continue to offer first class professional learning through the funding of training all staff to practitioner level for trauma informed practice. This has enabled staff to work in a more informed way, with children experiencing severe and complex learning difficulties, when planning and implementing as well as delivering our in-house professional learning and our strategic work on the new curriculum.
Pupil Development Grant
The Pupil Development Grant (PDG) is designed to support improving outcomes and provision for students eligible for free school meals (eFSM) and looked after children (CLA). The PDG is intended to help overcome additional barriers which prevent learners from disadvantaged backgrounds achieving their full potential. Our total allocation is £55,200.
Our PDG is spent in the following ways for 2023-24
- Staffing to enhance literacy and numeracy interventions;
- Enhanced provision in line with the curriculum for Wales;
- Alternative provision for those students identified as potentially becoming NEET (not in education, employment and training); and
- Enrichment opportunities.
The strategies implemented by the school are drawn from the most effective practice and educational research as part of a whole-school strategy.